[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: June's dungeon (was Why I'm STAYING (long)
Cristina Rebelo Ângelo
cristina_angelo at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 14 21:56:09 UTC 2003
June said:
> > Not who you think... but boy do I wish... and a potions lab all
> > our own... sigh.
> >
> > My dungeon is at the end of my office, and was built in the 12th
> > Century.
> >
> > My office is glaringly modern and was only built in the 17th
> >
June: Newcastle upon Tyne, England. In a rather boring house, to be
honest. However the office where I work is the former "Holy Jesus
Hospital" for plague victims now refurbished and also part of a
former Benedictine priory. The ceiling is lethal to anyone taller
than 5'6". The floors are so old that things slide across them.
Yes, I do feel lucky. Fortunately, the toilets and other facilities
Wait a second. This toilet talk (sorry...) reminded me of (now, where was
that?) something being discussed/ said about Hogwart's facilities, and
Come on, say it... you work at Hogwarts, right??? (Apart from the minor
detail you say the dungeon is 12th century, and Hogwarts is a 1000 y-o, and
others, but that's just you trying to lead us in the wrong direction...)
Cristina Rebelo Ângelo
HYPERLINK "http://www.cangelo.novelcity.com/"www.cangelo.novelcity.com /
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