[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Amanda's pics
Iggy McSnurd
coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Sun Nov 16 06:22:07 UTC 2003
> Ms. Tattersall
> Do famous people met in an autograph line at a science fiction
> onvention count? If so, I've met most of the original Star Trek cast
> (and recurring guests), some of the NextGeneration cast, and Doctor
> Whos three through six. I also had the honor of autographing my *own*
> book for Claudia Christian, J. Michael Stracynski, and D. C. Fontana
> (of Babylon 5 fame at the time). THAT was coolness.
Iggy here:
Did you actually get to say more than "Hi... I am, like, your BIGGEST fan.
You are, like, so... you know... COOL! Oh, can I have your autograph?"
*grin* I think the main question is, did you actually get to chat with them
for more than 30 seconds in a line? If not, then you met them "fan-wise."
If so, then you *really* got to meet them.
> Ms. Tattersall
> Oh, yes, and once I shared a destination with John Houseman. He was
> at SMU giving a talk on his days with the Federal Theater Project,
> and I found myself walking down the hall next to him as we were both
> headed for the loo. We smiled and nodded to one another as we went
> through the respective doors.
Iggy here:
Ok, that one doesn't count. *chuckle* Otherwise you can say that I met
Keifer Southerland and some of the other stars of the "Lost Boys" because I
was at their set a couple of times while filming in public.
Oh, BTW: I forgot to mention that I met Katherine Kerr as well and got to
chat with her and her husband at length. The housemate I mentioned who has
the whippets is a professional writer, and I went to drop him off when he
was having dinner at her house. I got to visit with her for a while. (She
has a nice little house in a suburb near San Francisco.)
Oh, and my housemate at the time was Kevin A. Murphy. He's one of the
writers for White Wolf Games, and does some other fantasy writing for
anthologies and on a freelance basis. I don't think a lot of people would
know of him, and he was also my roomie for two years and is still a friend
of mine... so I never really think of him as a possibly "famous" person...
Iggy McSnurd
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