[HPFGU-OTChatter] I've uploaded a picture + Dicey's Robes
Laura Ingalls Huntley
lhuntley at fandm.edu
Tue Nov 18 21:52:39 UTC 2003
Kristini said:
> Erm, I've uploaded a picture too - I was out with some friends
> recently when someone came along and took our picture for the bar
> website. My title bit came out a bit cryptic - I couldn't
> fit "Kirstini and friends - I'm the one in green" into the
> description, so I thought I'd mention it here.
You look like you're having fun. ^_~ I like your hair color, by the
way. I've always wanted to dye mine that color, but...well, I'm afraid
to. (I've never done anything to my hair except cut it -- and even
then, rarely.)
Kristini again:
> And Laura's boyfriend is absolutely lovely(swift bit of topic
> relevance there).
Aw, thanks. I just happen to think so too. ^_^
Dicentra - I thought your costume was amazing. Did you sew it
yourself, or did you buy it somewhere? If you bought it, where? And if
you sewed it, what pattern did you use (if you used one, that is)?
I've wanted to get my very own robes for some time now, but I can find
a *nice* set to buy, and I don't trust my sewing abilities enough to
make one without a pattern.
And the flowers are very nice ^_~. The sort of look like Bleeding
Hearts to me -- are they actually the same thing, or just related?
Laura (who is full of questions today.)
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