[HPFGU-OTChatter] Mary_GrandPr?_in_SLC_and_the_canonicity_of_her_artwork_(long)
foxydoxy1 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 19 06:48:55 UTC 2003
<snipped the lecture and description of MGP's art. Dicentra, Grannybat, and Lilac pretty much covered all that.>
Dicentra wrote:
The SLC denizens from HPfGU and SugarQuill arrived in costume an hour early and got third-row seats in the stadium-seating auditorium: Dooda, FoxyDoxy, GrannyBat, Dicentra (me), Lilac, Wahlee,and a few others from SQ whom I did not know.
Doxy (me):
Lilac, Dooda, and I got there extra early and saved the entire front row for us. But we had to move to the third row because there was a violin recital before Mary GrandPre spoke. It turned out that the third row was better anyway because of the way the podium was positioned. And we got to listen to some 8 year olds play the violin. It was wonderfully entertaining.
I think it's worth noting that when I asked her why she drew Snape in a way other than how JKR described him (couched in terms of who approves the final drawings, so as not to appear hostile), GrandPre's face went blank for a moment and she asked in a small voice, "How is he described?"
Maybe this is just a projection of my own feelings, but I seemed to sense a collective "Huh???!" of disbelief from the audience...at least, down the row to my left, where all the black academic gowns were sitting. ;) The woman who puts the face on Our Boy Harry says she loves him--but she doesn't remember important details like that?
Yes, that's exactly what it was. A collective "Huh?" But to tell you the truth Grannybat, I think you intimidated the poor woman. You, sitting there in all your Slytherin glory was more than she had expected I'm sure.
Afterwards, at the book signing, she was very nice and accommodating. (She's left-handed, BTW.) By the time we becostumed folks got to her, she had been signing for about 45 minutes (I think). They passed out Post-Its so we could write our names and other stuff if we wanted it personalized. I had her write "To Dicentra: Rictusempra!" though it came out "Rictosempra." I don't think she knew what Rictusempra meant. That's ok, though.
We were told that our books would be worth more later if we just had her sign them and not personalize them. But come on, like I'm ever going to sell my book.
Dooda, FoxyDoxy, GrannyBat, and Lilac will have to tell you what she said to them: I wasn't listening.
In my book she wrote "To Doxy Sinsiriusly Mary GrandPre" and she drew a smiling Harry Potter face.
(I) forgot to ask her why Harry was holding his wand in
his *left* hand on the covers of GoF and OoP. Rats!
After she signed my book I remembered that I forgot to ask her if there was any meaning in the decapitated fairy on the cover of the special edition OoP. What with all the reference to beheading throughout the series so far I thought maybe she knew something she would be willing to share. So Dooda and I waited until the line thinned down (because we're geeks who didn't have anything else to do) and we asked her to sign a piece of paper for a dear friend of ours who couldn't be there. We got to talking about "Plum" and *again* I forgot to ask her. I didn't want to look like a stalker so we didn't get back in line.
And, coincidentally enough, FoxyDoxy (Dooda's sister) is married to someone I went to high school with...small world, huh?
Yep. If anyone wants to hear stories about Lilac in high school I have loads of them ;o)
Those four HPFGU gals ate pizza and talked Potter theory that evening, while I had a flat tire on the way home from MGP and a headache the rest of the night, so I was a party pooper and stayed home. :( Bummer.
We were wondering what happened to you. We thought that maybe you just didn't want to model your robes for us :P
You should hear our previous theory about Wormtail and Nagini, though...but only if you aren't eating pizza at the same time. (Yes, it's very EEEEEWWWWWWW!)
Now me (Tammy Rizzo):
Oh, tell us! Tell us! I solemnly swear I am not eating pizza.
Do you really want to know? All right then... We were talking about Bertha Jorkins being the incubator for slimy baby Voldemort. And Voldemort looked snake-like because he was feeding off Nagini's milk. Some of us in the group didn't like the idea of poor Bertha's body being used that way, and Lilac says "Maybe Nagini's the mommy." Then the discussion turned into a Wormtail/Nagini ship.
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