Room 101

Catherine Coleman catherine at
Wed Nov 19 22:09:38 UTC 2003

> --- In HPFGU-OTChatter at, GulPlum <hp at p...> wrote:
> > 
> I have occasionally watched Room 101 and have often pedantically 
> composed a letter which remains unsent to the production company.

Me too, although in this case, I would have written to Linda Smith 
herself, with regard to the fact that her whole justification for 
this was totally flawed.

Don't get me wrong - I often enjoy Room 101 - one of my favourites 
being an appearance with the late Spike Milligan (unusual in that he 
tried to consign the whole of Portsmouth to the room).  But Linda 
Smith seemed quite unfunny from the start.  I confess that I 
switched off after the HP segment, but Richard, if you are a Robin 
Day fan, surely you must have been slightly offended by her 
assertation that all men who wear bowties deserve to be on a 
register of known deviants (or somesuch) with lynch mods 
congregating outside their front doors?

Anyway, I'm digressing.  What peeved me about the HP thing was how 
completely patronising, ignorant and ultimately flawed her argument 
was.   Saying that whenever she sees an adult reading HP makes her 
want to thrust a "proper" and "adult" piece of literature at them is 
presuming that a) the person reads nothing other than HP (apart from 
perhaps LOTR, which she also hates) and b) even if they did, they 
wouldn't be reading anything decent, such as "Madame Bovary".

Stupid bloody woman.  Oh, and what Richard forgot to say was that 
despite the production team being biased, I still heard quite a few 
boos from the audience over this.  


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