LOTR/Hobbit (a little late)
Erthena at aol.com
Sat Nov 22 08:31:38 UTC 2003
I can't resist a good LOTR thread even if I have to jump in a little
1) The Hobbit- I like the Hobbit (it's the inspiration for my name,
Beorn is a werebear too). This is probably due to the fact that I
have a fantastic Lit. teacher who had us read and analyze The Hobbit
in ninth grade. This was the first time I'd read it (Just after the
movie came out). This teacher is really great at what he does and
so I may have a greater appreciation for the Hobbit than others
because I got to have it explained to me.(although this teacher's
very anti-HP and I have quite a few rants in the margins of my notes
about dumb, stupid people who can't realize how great HP is and who
shouldn't make my fellow students give me a harder time than they
already do...)
2)LOTR-amazing, I just started reread number six and expect it to be
so great. I am sad though that I never read the books before I saw
the movies (I had a bad experience with the animated Hobbit). I'm
slowly moving away from PJ's vision and having a few of my own
opinonis now. It was the coolest feeling whan I thought, "well,
they sure messed up *that* in the movie", because I was worried I'd
be tainted by the movie-cannon forever.
3) my recommended reading order(otherwise known as the order read
them in first)- LOTR first, then the Hobbit, then the Sil. Too many
of my family turned away from JRRT becaus they read the Hobbit
first. It's a good read, but LOTR is better (for most people). The
hobbit is seconed because it is a nice break if you're reading all
three at once, and it's nice to see what Frodo is saving when he
goes on his quest. The Sil is third because it takes the longest,
gets boring, and is not reccomended for those who are reading LOTR
because it's popular or are being forced, only read the Sil if you
love LOTR. (more on the Sil below)
4) Movies- I love the movies, esp Orliegolas. They're beautiful,
and powerfuul and they do a good job, mostly, of adapting the books
(except for their perversions of Farimir, I *spit* on their
Faramir) Then there's the Legolas fangirl thing (be warned it's
true what they say about Legolas fangirls being the most dangerous
type of fangirl).
5) The Sil.- I once read that it takes 100 read throughs to
understand the Sil., and I believe it. The more times you read it
the more sense it makes. As you learn who's who and why the Minis
Tirith isn't the same Minas Tirith you get the stories underneath
the confusing style, and they're all great, and even fun after a
6) Special Edition DVD's - I own both, even though my most recent
play has prevented me from watching all of TTT, and they are so
great. Full of facts and fun (esp. the fourth disk of FOTR, the
cast documentary is beyond funny, but that's another post
well that's about it, way longer than I thought it'd be
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