[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: When the decorations go up (was: Being Scrooge-like)

Saitaina saitaina at wizzards.net
Sun Nov 23 01:30:27 UTC 2003

*stops decorating the tree, covered in a band of flashing lights (that won't
stop playing carols no matter how many buttons I push), coloured lights and a
stubborn ornament*  Er...I put mine up the week of Thanksgiving (or before).  I
can't help it!  I love Christmas...I wait avidly for the decorated trees to go
up in stores (and always joke about how one day I'm going to sneak out with one
under my coat).

Plus I've already bought and wrapped the presents (hence the tree going up,
gotta have a place for the prezzies).

I could never understand people putting up decorations so late...it's all over
on the 26, why not enjoy it...I love a month of my tree and Santa candles and
icicle lights....I even have my display dolls (okay really my cabbage patch
dolls that I have on my couch) dressed up in their Christmas finest...the only
thing I don't have is an ickle Christmas tree for the fish tank.

Who just discovered a broken ornament and has a half decorated tree until she
can replace it.
Ron: Aw, Fuji. Why is it always monkeys? Why can't I ever be attacked by crazed


"No, one day I'm going to look back on all this and plow face-first into a tree
because I was looking the wrong bloody way. And I'll still be having a better
day than I am today."

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