Christmas presents - one at a time or all at once?
pengolodh_sc at
Mon Nov 24 00:33:09 UTC 2003
--- In HPFGU-OTChatter, Audrey wrote:
> I've been following the discussion of the timing of Christmas
> decorating and I was curious how people handle another aspect
> of the holiday season - gift opening.
Being for all practical purposes an only child (three halfbrothers
living 800 miles away and encountered once every few years do not
count, IMO), my family was hardly large. We open our gifts on
Christmas Eve, which is the norm in Norway. Like most Norwegians we
also pile the wrapped presents underneath the Christmas-tree, until
the time for opening. We always have dinner first - back when my
granmother was alive this meant very late opening of presents, as we
always visited her for the opening of presents in the nursinghome
before having dinner at home. Dinner, of course, is *always the
same - always, without exception, every year. Norwegians like
traditions - which explains why the last 30 years TV has shown every
December 23rd a short skit about Miss Sophie and her butler (shown in
Germany and one other country on New Year's Eve); if they skipped it
a year, or changed to a different version (the one shown in Germany
is in colours, I believe), there would be an outrage throughout
Anyway - I was supposedly talking about opening presents. My family
does it in very civilised fashion. One person is more or less a
santa (but without the costume), picking one and one present from
under the tree, reading the note, and handing it to the correct
person. Then that person opens the present. Tearing of paper and
string is not done - preferably the string is slid off, alternately
scissors are used. With the paper, we work on the bits of tape,
trying to pull off the tape, alternatively using scissors (we have
relatives who are notorious for excessive use of tape in
giftwrapping). As one gets the tape loose, one then unwraps the
present, and then neatly disposes the wrappingpaper in the wastebag
we have handy nearby.
Best regards
Christian Stubø
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