Festive Note - Nativity Plays

corinthum kkearney at students.miami.edu
Mon Nov 24 03:24:32 UTC 2003

Shaun wrote:
> American legal interpretations on 'freedom of religion' and the
separation of 
> church and state have seemed to me at times, to have gone too far.
That's a 
> personal opinion, of little value as I'm not a US citizen. But to
me, any legal 
> decision that bans Nativity plays (for example) moves into the realm
of 'prohibiting 
> the free exercise' of religion.

One of the main problems, from my point of view, is that the people
who tend to speak out in support of religion-in-school type things
tend to be the extremes.  Therefore, the arguement usually degrades
into "This country was founded on Christianity and we should have the
right to teach everyone Chrisianity" vs "Anything that even hints at
religion is prejudicial".  The latter usually wins out, with the
exception of some of the more conservative areas, soecifically in the

I actually went to a Catholic elementary school, so we had many
religious songs in our Christmas concerts.  I only remember doing one
Nativity though.  And I also remember singing several Hannukah related
songs, and learning the story behind them.  Obviously our teachers
realized that learning about another religion could be beneficial, and
wouldn't cause us all to immediately convert.  :)


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