[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: When the decorations go up (was: Being Scrooge-like)

silverdragon at ezweb.com.au silverdragon at ezweb.com.au
Mon Nov 24 05:54:42 UTC 2003

> Kathryn wrote
> You know what really gets me? When you walk into the bakery section in
> October and see Christmas Cakes and Christmas Puddings (OK not objecting
> the last one I could eat them all year round) ... right next to Hot Cross
> Buns!

Yeah I don't mind the old pud either, but if I ate them as much as I'd like
to, I'd look like one! And then there's the fact I was fairly recently
diagnosed as a diabetic <sob>, so I have to forefeit things like that...
*So* not fair...

Nox (longing for a Snickers bar, but having to content herself with
*sniffing* it...)

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