Never too late for a mixer, is it?

ameliagoldfeesh ameliagoldfeesh at
Mon Nov 24 18:48:20 UTC 2003

Hey, I've been a bit busy, okay?

Name: Amy Delavan

Also known as: A Goldfeesh is my most used identity, Nectarine 
     (on ISCA BBS) and possum5005. 

Age/Sex: 26, Female

Birthplace/Livingplace and feelings about same:
       Born in Hamburg, Ia, as it had the hospital, and grew up in 
Tabor, Ia.  It is a small town (1,500 est.) in SW Iowa.  Have lived 
in Ames, Ia (3 hours away) since 1998 and while I've enjoyed it here 
I'd like to move closer to home in a year or so.  I'd love to be 
nearer my parents, siblings and nieces/nephews.

Family Life:
    I have my parents, two brothers and two sisters, a herd of 
nieces and nephews.  Last year I met my fiancee, we live together in 
Ames with a bunch of adorable ratlings and 3 huge goldfish and I 
just bought five small ones. 

     When I was in highschool and younger I was quiet and shy, a big 
reader and history nerd.  While I still read and am a history nerd, 
going to college got me to finally come out of my shell.  I was 
shocked to hear myself described as a "chatterbox" at work a few 
weeks ago. :)

Things you do when not staring at the computer:
      Work, read, sleep, clean rat cages (seems endless sometimes, 
spend time with my fiancee, hit the movies.

Comfort foods:
       Chocolate milk, ice cream, orange juice at times.

       I have a degree in history from ISU and so, naturally, I'm 
currently working at Walmart.  However, I really like working there 
and could see moving up the ranks and making a career of it.

Language skills:
       English, usually, but not always skillfully :)

Technical know-how:
       I can fix the needle on my ancient portable record player 
(and that's all that's really important)

Favourite HP book:
       Prisoner of Azkaban

Favourite HP character(s):
       The Trio, Snape

Favourite HP line
        "Wow!" said Dennis, as though nobody in their wildest dreams 
could hope for more than being thrown into a storm-tossed, fathoms 
deep lake, and pushed out by a giant sea monster.

Watching/Avoiding the HP movies?:
          Not avoiding them but haven't watched them too recently 

Into HP fanfiction?
        Not recently, I used to read some Snape fanfic and 
Sugarquill writings.

Books you'd recommend to just about anyone:
         Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough, about the young 
         Watership Down by Richard Adams, pretty soon you just clean 
forget it's about *rabbits*.
         Tolkien, of course.
         Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, a book that gets better on 
every reread.  You always find more in it than you last remembered. 
         Edgar Allen Poe

Favorite TV shows:
         Haven't watched much TV of late.  I've been hooked to Home 
and Garden television for some reason, watch some Animal Planet, 
History Channel and AMC.

Favorite Movies:
         Scaramouche- Stewart Granger, Eleanor Parker, Janet Leigh.
         Many Rivers to Cross- Robert Taylor and Eleanor Parker.
         Sense and Sensibility- Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman
         The Neverending Story
         Robin Hood- Disney animated- the Best Robin Hood movie made
Favorite Musical Artists:
          The Beatles, ex-Beatles, especially George Harrison, Tom 
Petty and the Heartbreakers, ELO, Eric Clapton, Fats Domino, Hank 
Williams, and of course, Bob Dylan.  I've only seen Dylan eleven 
times and am ready to see him eleven or more, more times. *s*

One thing about your life you'd change if you could (sorry, but you
may not say "lose weight"):
          Fix my relationship with my best friend- we've sorta been 
going different ways these last few months.

One thing about your life you wouldn't change even for an advance
copy of Book 7:
         My family and fiancee.

Philosophy for an easy life:
         Don't get too upset and things will eventually work out.

How you found HPfGU:
         From another HP related site I'm sure- but I don't really 
remember now.

Active at other HP sites:
          I'm a bit less active at Sugarquill than I am here- so not 
too active...

Your most rock solid Book 6 or Book 7 prediction:
           Dumbledore will die by the end of the series.

Take a moment to wave to members of the fandom you have personally 
          I've never met anyone on here personally- although I've 
seen Eric Oppen on ISCA BBS.

A Goldfeesh,

She's looking in to my eyes, and she's a-holding my hand
She looks in to my eyes, she's holding my hand
She say, "you can't repeat the past," 
I say "You can't?  What do you mean you can't? Of course you can."
         Bob Dylan, Love and Theft, song- Summer Days

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