[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Advertising Slogans

IggyMcSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Wed Nov 26 20:01:31 UTC 2003

Iggy wrote:

> Put A Tonks In Your Tank.
> (I'd rather not. She can do enough damage without Muggle artillery
> into it.)

>Okay, you're a bit young for this one -- it was a *gas* tank.  It was
>a slogan for, um, Esso I think (Exxon nowadays) --  "Put a tiger in
>your tank."

Iggy here:

*laugh* How young do you think I am??

I'm 33, and yes, I know what the slogan actually refers to.  I was just
doing a play on words... (After all, isn't that half the fun of the site
in the first place?  *grin*)

Iggy McSnurd

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