[HPFGU-OTChatter] DH and other abbreviations (was What's Love Got To Do With It?)

Laura Ingalls Huntley lhuntley at fandm.edu
Fri Oct 3 16:35:09 UTC 2003

DH = dear husband.  ^_~

I think.

*looks v. confused for a moment*  I'm not sure if anyone's actually 
told me that, or if I just assumed that was what it meant.

sigh.  Well, it makes sense, anyway.

Laura (who is going to cut* her first class in the history of her 
education in about a minute and a half in order to go to a riding 
lesson, and who is feeling quite rebellious)

* where "cut" is defined as previously asking her teacher for 
permission and making sure that attendance is not figured into her 
course grade. ^_~

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