ADMIN: An apology
elfundeb at
Tue Oct 7 00:19:49 UTC 2003
As you all know, despite the geistly and elfly names, List
Administrators are actually human.
Being human, we sometimes forget things we should know.
Some months ago, List Administration embarked on a huge slimming
down of list rules, which were beginning to make the Humungous Big
File as long as OOP. The result was the "[insert new title here]" file,
which can be found (if Yahoo is being nice today) at:
Unfortunately, on Saturday, one of our List Administrators quite
simply forgot one of the changes. She therefore pointed out that a
thread was heading perilously close to a banned topic by the old
rules. Unfortunately, the thread was perfectly OK by the new rules.
Although certain topics (such as RL politics) used to be banned on
the HPfGU boards, we now rely on members of this community to be sensitive to others' views and feelings in their discussion of such
If a discussion of a sensitive issue seems to be likely to cause
offence to any group or individual then we will issue an official
ADMIN asking for discussion to stop. It will have ADMIN in the
heading, and will be signed `for the Administration Team'.
A post without an official signature (eg Dobby Elf, Peeves the
Geist) is not an official post. It may come from a member of List
Administration - but they are posters first, and List Administrators
If an individual elf/geist is sending a post as part of their
official duties, they will sign that post with their official
Unless a post is signed 'for the Administration Team', it is *not*
the agreed decision of the entire team.
This is obviously an embarrassing mistake, and we *are* embarrassed. We apologise for any confusion we may have caused.
The Administration Team
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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