[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: smells like.... something pink

alex fox trinity61us at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 8 22:27:43 UTC 2003

 As a 42-year old woman, with a 30 year old "whatever" ( soon-to-be-ex?), and an 18 year-old  male roommate/best friend, I have always loved VERY heavy music. Now I'm listening to Death Metal. Cannible Corpse, Macabre, Cattle Decapitation, etc. The 30 year old hates it! He's very moldy! LOL!
Alex Fox ( spraying herself with Lysol, to prevent the mold from spreading! EEW!)

> Oddly enough, *I* had been listening to the "classic rock" station
> most of the time, until I heard "Freebird" one time too many.  Ugh! 
> Now I have the radio on the station that plays current stuff -- some
> rap, pop, rock, etc.  I find I like a lot of it very much -- but two
> of my *kids* always make me turn the radio off in the car, and one 
> them is the 13-year old!
> I guess that makes them the moldy ones...
> BTW, if "you wouldn't like this" it's probably about sex!
> Annemehr
> listening to Matchbox Twenty and Christina Aguilera lately

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