Go To Jail.

Cindy C. cindysphynx at comcast.net
Tue Oct 14 13:05:03 UTC 2003


Tim wrote:

> I worry about the incidence of rape too. I have a mother, wife, and 
> daughter, and I wish I lived in a world where they, and all women, 
> didn't have to worry about being sexually assaulted.

Amen to that!  I think it would be interesting to be a "Guy For A Day"
to see what it would be like to walk around *not* keeping my eyes open
for predators.  I feel like a wildebeast at a watering hole half the

Actually, one reason I tend to believe women who claim rape is that I
personally can't imagine ever working up the courage to report a
sexual assault.  *Especially* in a date rape situation, where lots of
people still have a tendency to disbelieve a woman who wound up in a
compromising situation.  So if a woman does work up the courage -- and
if she's able to endure one of those rape kits -- I tend to believe
her.  So I believed William Kennedy Smith's accuser.  Mike Tyson's
accuser.  And Kobe Bryant's accuser.

Not to worry, though.  If ever called for jury duty, I'd tell the
truth about my bias, and I'd be excused.
> But I also have a son; and I wish I lived in a world where there was 
> no danger of him, or other men, being wrongly accused of sexual 
> harassment or sexual assault.

I have a son, too.  He'd better keep his hands to himself, I'm
thinkin'.  ;-)

Seriously, it's a problem for both genders.  These days, the costs of
being convicted of a sex crime are really significant.  You even have
to *register* in many communities after you've served your time (I
still haven't made up my mind about those registration laws.)

> Cindy - have you seen/read Arthur Miller's "The Crucible"? Do you 
> think it is realistic?

Uh . . . 

<shuffles feet awkwardly>

Well, you know, I was *just* going to read that book.  Really, it's
right here at my local bookstore, and as soon as I . . . 

<awkward pause>

OK.  No.  But it's not *my* fault!  A friend *insisted* that I read
"The Da Vinci Code."  She just kept *hounding* me about it.  So I've
read the first 15 pages.  And now she keeps after me anyway -- "Are
you up to Chapter 6 yet?  No?  Come *one!*"  ;-)


Nevertheless, I currently hold the world's record for number of
readings of "Pat the Bunny," however.

Cindy -- thinking that Arthur Miller fellow probably hasn't read "Pat
the Bunny" even *once*, and hoping Tim will elaborate about "The Crucible"

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