Ack! Spanish Editions
ambiree at
Thu Oct 16 18:50:37 UTC 2003
Hey guys,
So I have a friend who travels like mad and brings me back an HP book
every time she leaves the country. A couple of weeks ago she brought
me back a copy from Mexico. Yeah!!!!
Then last week or so I was reading an article about the translation
for the 5th book in Spanish and it said something about the different
translations it does, i.e. Catalan, Galician, Castillian, and it said
that Salamandra (Castillian) has different regional versions for S.
America, US, Spain, and Mexico. That got me thinking.
At my bookstore, we have the spanish version that looks EXACTLY like
the one my friend brought back, but has a different ISBN (like the
social security number for books). I bought that book too and
started flipping through to random pages and comparing them. They
are the same!
So, being a library person I went to my top sources (my mom and my
boss) who work in libraries and asked them. They appear to have
different distributors, but I don't see why they would have different
isbns! They are both trade size paperbacks. They look exactly the
Does anyone out there in HP land know why this is so? Or did I just
spend $15.00 on a duplicate book?
Desparately Seeking answers,
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