A fun little e-mail
cwood at tattersallpub.com
Thu Oct 16 20:19:06 UTC 2003
--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at yahoogroups.com, "Iggy McSnurd"
<coyoteschild at p...> wrote:
I remember "Space Nuts", "The Isis and Shazam Hour" (or
> something like that) "Super Buggy" , "Banana Splits", "H. R.
> and a bunch of those other semi-psychedelic, live-action "kids
shows" from
> the early and mid 70's. (I grew up on those things, being born in
> m'self.)
I never cared much for those trippy live-action kid shows, although I
was on board with the Monkees in the late 60s, who probably started
it all.
> (Speaking of cartoons, who else here thinks that Scrappy Doo
deserved the
> "Bullet In Their Brain" award as the most annoying "add on"
character in
> cartoon history? With Scrappy,
> it was a single character in an otherwise cool show... I comment
on this
> because my toddler daughter just fell asleep watching the live-
action Scooby
> Doo movie...)
Check out www.jumptheshark.com for other examples of bad decisions
made on otherwise good TV shows.
I remember Scooby & the gang from their first days on TV. They were
of the same vintage as the Archies, and Josie & the Pussycats. I
still haven't seen the recent live-action versions of Scooby or
Josie, but I hear there's a Scooby2 in the works. I hope they leave
out sCrappy!
Iggy, your HP show titles were all brilliant! Keep up the good work!
Ms. Tattersall
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