[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Computer weirdness & Outlook Question

Tonya Minton tminton at deckerjones.com
Fri Oct 17 13:18:30 UTC 2003

Did you get this fixed??  If not are you running XP operating system??
If you are there is another way to fix this.  Let me know and I will
send the instructions for a fix.

	-----Original Message-----
	From: Cindy C. [mailto:cindysphynx at comcast.net] 
	Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 4:45 PM
	To: HPFGU-OTChatter at yahoogroups.com
	Subject: [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Computer weirdness & Outlook
	> Elle (keeping it short as she expects Yahoo to try to run up
	> score)
	ROFL!  Yeah, I'm having trouble too.  Maybe that's why the list
is so
	OK, can anyone solve a nagging Outlook problem I'm having?  I'm
	totally stumped.
	If I want to address an e-mail to a friend, I can just start
	their name or e-mail, and Outlook will recognize it and give me
a list
	of potential addressees.  I click on the right one, and the
message is
	addressed.  This is Good.
	The trouble is that once Outlook puts someone down as a
	addressee, they seem to stay as one forever.  Say I want to send
	message to my good buddy George Bush.  I can type "George" and
it will
	give me every e-mail address George ever had, which requires me
	remember which one is the right ISP.  It also remembers the one
time I
	mis-typed and will offer up as a choice "Goerge Bush."  Also
awful is
	that it remembers every "George" to whom I ever sent an e-mail,
so I
	have on occasion sent an e-mail to the wrong George, which is
	embarrassing.  This is Bad.
	So how do I get rid of these unnecessary, erroneous and outdated
	default e-mails?
	I'm sorry to ask here, but dang it!, I just cannot take this
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