[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Computer weirdness & Outlook Question
Iggy McSnurd
coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Thu Oct 16 17:45:48 UTC 2003
Have you tried simply setting up your actual address book? You can enter
the addresses when you want them there, you can assign them nicknames, and
select specific addresses simply by clicking on the appropriate header
button when setting up a new e-mail.
BTW: Here's the help info for managing your addresses. It's directly from
the Outlook Express helpiles. (Anything I've marked with a "*" is a topic
you can look up in the Outlook Express helpfiles themselves.)
To change contact information
In the Address Book list, locate and double-click the name you want, and
then change the information as needed. Click the tabs to access different
information sections.
To delete a contact, select the contact name in the Address Book list, and
then click Delete on the toolbar. If the contact is a member of a group, the
name will also be removed from the group.
And some more info here:
Deleting contacts from your Address Book
You can easily remove contacts and groups from your Address Book. When you
delete a contact from a group, the name is removed from the group but the
entries for both the group and the individual remain in your Address Book.
Likewise, deleting an entire group does not remove the entries for the
individual members who made up the group.
The following topics provide more information:
*Delete a single contact
*Delete a contact from a group
*Delete a group
And how to add in your own addresses to your own address book:
Adding contacts to your Address Book
There are several ways to add e-mail addresses and other contact information
to your Address Book:
*Add names directly from e-mail messages
*Import an address book from another program
*Type names and contact information directly in to your Address Book
*Add people and businesses you find on the Internet
*Import a business card (vCard)
Hope this all helps.
Iggy McSnurd
the Prakcter
(and former personal Internet Consultant... although he would be more help
showing you how rather than just telling... but that's just my teaching
style.. Anyone know how I can do image captures of those windows to
possibly do a step by step "show process?")
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