Nimbus 2005 in Ottawa, Canada--NOT

psychic_serpent psychic_serpent at
Mon Oct 20 03:57:40 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at, "Kaisenji" <kaisenji at y...> 
> Hi all this is propably my first time posting but here goes.
> Ottawa?!? As my mom quiped "Get ready to shell out serious $$$$$$$ 
> Canada."  Am I gonna need to take out a loan to go for just 3 
days?? Argh!
> Kidding! I'm kidding! No slams against our Canadian potter 
people.  As
> someone who is "frugal" most of the time, this seems to place so 
> people outside of affortability. But it is early still so maybe 
> got a smashing deal (crosses fingers).  Or have I been that long 
> of the loop thanks to two classes requiring LOTS of reading?
> Thoughts?
> Kaisenji
> p.s.  Oooooo, I'd just love to do a paper on Potter!
> -------
> Here's the note if folks didn't get it:
> Posted 10/19/03
> The Convention Alley Planning Committee is pleased to announce the
> release of the Call for Papers (CFP) for our HPfGU-sponsored
> international Harry Potter conference to be held July 30-August 1,
> 2004 at the University of Ottawa. The text of the CFP follows this
> introduction, and may also be found as both a text file and in Word
> in the files section of this list.

Um, I believe there seems to be some misunderstanding here.  If you 
read the beginning of the call for papers, it says clearly that the 
name of the event is Convention Alley, not Nimbus.  It also says 
that it is taking place in 2004, not 2005.  The board of HPEF is 
considering bids for a Nimbus 2005 (if we decide to keep that name) 
but a bid has not yet been chosen, and no one is planning to submit 
one for Ottawa in 2005, as far as we know.  Finally, just because a 
book costs $10 in the US and the jacket says it's $15 in Canada 
doesn't mean things are more expensive there than here; the exchange 
rate, as those figures should tell you, is actually quite favorable 
to US residents.  And while it IS probably early enough to get a 
good deal on airfare, it's not as early as you think, since, again, 
the event is less than a year from now, not just under two years.


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