[HPFGU-OTChatter] Nimbus 2005 in Ottawa, Canada

Sheryll Townsend s_ings at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 20 11:43:50 UTC 2003

 --- Kaisenji <kaisenji at yahoo.com> wrote: > Hi all
this is propably my first time posting but
> here goes.
> Ottawa?!? As my mom quiped "Get ready to shell out
> serious $$$$$$$ in
> Canada."  Am I gonna need to take out a loan to go
> for just 3 days?? Argh!
> Kidding! I'm kidding! No slams against our Canadian
> potter people.  As
> someone who is "frugal" most of the time, this seems
> to place so many
> people outside of affortability. But it is early
> still so maybe they
> got a smashing deal (crosses fingers).  Or have I
> been that long out
> of the loop thanks to two classes requiring LOTS of
> reading?
> Thoughts?
> Kaisenji
> p.s.  Oooooo, I'd just love to do a paper on Potter!

As Barb pointed out (thanks, Barb!), this is not a
Nimbus event. The home page information will be
changed shortly, sorry for the confusion.

As for the expense of coming to Canada? No matter
where a conference is held there are always going to
be people who can't afford to travel there. Keep in
mind that any prices given by the Convention Alley
team will be in Canadian dollars, which means the cost
in US dollars will be about 25% lower.

The event is next summer, so it's not too early to
start looking for travel deals.



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