What's the fun in baseball?

davewitley dfrankiswork at netscape.net
Mon Oct 20 17:26:46 UTC 2003

Richelle wrote:

> There's also a reason for those commercial breaks,
> it's a bit boring to watch players run in and out of the dugouts 
getting in
> position, tossing balls around to warm up.  Sure, they stretch that 
out a
> bit for commercials, but not that much.  There's also commercial 
breaks when
> a team changes pitchers, that takes a while too, and once again, 
it's a bit
> boring to watch the pitcher walk to the mound and warm up on a few 

Let me get this straight.  Baseball was not designed for commercial 
breaks; instead, commercial breaks were introduced to keep baseball 
from being too boring?

> Richelle, ever the defender of baseball. :)

Are you sure?


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