[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Most boring sport

Melanie Black princessmelabela at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 21 10:12:53 UTC 2003

Although, with what they put their bodies through and even though it's
considered a performing art rather than a sport, I'd rank ballet as being
comperable to a sport when it comes to the level of physical ability you
need to be good.  (I knew someone who was a professional ballet dancer, and
not only were they required to keep in top physical shape, sometimes they
were required to practice dancing while on their toes to such a degree that
some dancers had to bandage their feet repeatedly because their toes would
actually begin to bleed through their toe shoes.

Iggy McSnurd

Take it from the girl who did Winter Guard and Dance Team in high school it's a sport.  Ballet and Rythmic gymnastics require both upper body strength as well as leg strength.  

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