[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Wotcher (was: Chapter Discussions: Chapter 3, the Advance Guard and I move it to Chatter )

Tonya Minton tminton at deckerjones.com
Tue Oct 21 16:13:49 UTC 2003

Posh brit:  Hello, how are you?

June said: 
 Cockney type personage: Wotcher!

I think that should suffice as an adequate translation.  (You may 
note my snobbery - I am from the North of England where we look down 
on Cockneys precisely because they look down on us!  It may be a 
small island  - but the divisions go deep)

Hey thanks, So would you call it slang or is it proper (?) to say
wotcher??  What I am trying to say that Hey or Hi is considered slang
and and Hello is "proper".  At least that is what my mother drilled into
my head!!  :)  Oh and does Jim Dale pronounce it properly??  I know that
occasionally he miffs on names.  Thanks thanks!!  Oh and how do you know
who is who so you know who to be snobby with and who not to. Sounds
tough to figure out!!  
Tonya  :)  having too much fun with this thread!!

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