[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Budge up (Re: Wotcher )

Tonya Minton tminton at deckerjones.com
Tue Oct 21 18:56:36 UTC 2003

> Annemehr:
> You're much braver than I am!
> I haven't been *trying* to use Britspeak in RL, but I seem to keep
> running into situations where "snarky" or "squicked" would be a
> perfect word to use.  I don't use them, though, because people 
> look at me funny (not that they couldn't be doing that already).
> Annemehr
> amused by the image of British slang being used in Texas  :)

Jen said :  Hey fellow Texan, Tonya!  I've been able to use "budge up" 
and "budge along" in context (I think).  Oh, and "enough to be going 
on with....".  I don't think I'm brave enough to attempt Wotcher, 

Also waiting to use Ruddy and "All right then?" instead of the 
American version, "Are you OK?" or "everything alright?"

 Now Tonya:   Waving HI!!   OH yes I need to use the "enough to be going
on with...".  "All right then" I have used!!  Usually it gets used at
the end of a conversation with a small sprinkling of sarcasm so I am
still having trouble remembering to put it at the beginning!!  

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