[HPFGU-OTChatter] Squicked was Re: Wotcher

Jen Faulkner jfaulkne at sas.upenn.edu
Tue Oct 21 19:57:35 UTC 2003

On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Ali wrote:

> Is "squicked" Britspeak? I've never heard of it. Funnily enough,
> when I tried to do a search on Google, I kept getting referred to
> the Sugar Quill site.

I don't know whether the term is British in origin or not, but the only
place I've ever heard it was in fannish speech -- as Ali says, it's a
combination of "squeamish" and "icky," and it means something that you
find viscerally yucky, usually a sexual thing.

As in: "The thought of combining trepanation and sex really squicks me."

(Squick, v.t.; squicky, adj.; squick, n.)

--jen, who, yes, finds the combination of trepanning and sex *very*
squicky :)

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