[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: June's OT Board Dictionary Launched (was Brittspeak)

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Thu Oct 23 12:52:01 UTC 2003

>    What are some slangs for pregnancy?  I had a 17 year old friend
> who went on a school trip to Australia. She was invited to a formal
> tea with a number of respectable senior ladies. When she was asked
> if she wanted any more food, she replied "No thanks, I'm stuffed" ,
> meaning she was too full to have any more, but which was taken to
> mean she was pregnant!
> MMcK

Well, "knocked up" is one term for being pregnant here... which is why I
laughed so hard to learn that it means "to wake up" there in the UK.

Brit:  Yeah, I knocked my girlfriend, my sister, and my brother this morning
before I made breakfast for us all.
American: WHAT?!?!?!?

Here are a few others for pregnancy:

preggers, "with child", "in a family way", knocked up, "she's got a bun in
the oven", and  "she's eating for two"

(Just to name a few...)

Iggy McSnurd

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