[HPFGU-OTChatter] All Time Scaries

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Sun Oct 26 17:38:36 UTC 2003

Iggy here:

Lessee... all time movie moments that freaked me out:

Well, the ENTIRE movie "Seven."  I couldn't watch the last half of it
because it wierded me out WAY too much and was too disturbing to me.

the Kevin Bacon scene in "Friday the 13th" where he gets the arrow through
his neck from underneath the bed he's lying on.  For a long time afterwards,
I checked under my bed for maniacs and was more comfortable avter we
eventually removed my bed-frame and by bed was a box-spring and matress on
the floor.

Almost everything about Tim Curry as Pennywise the Clown in "IT."  (Now THAT
was an "Evil Tim Curry" role...)

There's a particularly horrifying scene, at least for us men, in a Dutch
film called "The Fourth Man".  It stars Jeroen Krabbe'  (he was in "the
Fugitive", "the Living Daylights", and "Ever After") and is about a
bi-sexual poet who ends up hooking up with a female hairdresser who's three
husbands all died mysteriously.  He had these very surreal visions through
the entire movie, that lead him to believe that she's a "black widow" type.
The scene that still freaks me out is after they have had sex, and are lying
in her bed.  She sits up and snakes his hand down beneath the covers and
between his legs, grabbing his... well...  Anyhow, she moves the covers
back, and then you see a pair of scossors in her other hand.  They flash
down and her hand other hand comes up with his bloody.. well.. let's just
say it was a Lorena Bobbit moment.  He sits bolt upright in bed screaming
and realizes that he was having a dream vision.  Even the memory of it still
makes me "tuck and cover" to this day...

Also, this isn't a scary moment, but is one worth mentioning... in "Monty
Python's Meaning of Life" where the fat guy in the restaurant begins
throwing up all over the place just grosses me out like you wouldn't
believe.  I can't STAND to watch anything where someone is throwing up.
(And you don't really want to know why, aside from the obvious... trust me.)

Iggy McSnurd

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