[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Irrational childhood fears

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Tue Oct 28 01:41:27 UTC 2003

> Shirley:  I, too, have had this happen.  Point in fact:  we had this
> huge snake on our front sidewalk several years ago.  It was just
> peacefully sunning itself, but I couldn't figure out what kind it was
> and ended up calling some snake-rescue guy to come get it (turned out
> it was, IIRC, a Mississippi mud-snout, or something like that, but I
> digress).  Anyway, it was weeks before I could walk outside our house
> without my ankles getting all tingly, clearly anticipating a snake to
> rub against them, or something.

Iggy here:

I think I can top this one.

I came home from work one day and checked the mail.  Walking up the path to
the front door, I was looking at the addressees on the envelopes and wasn't
really paying attention to what was going on around me.  I saw a couple of
bees fly by out of the corner of my eye... then a few more... and another
one... "Hmmm... Seem to be a lot of bees around today." was about the only
thing to pass through my brain about that...

Then I stepped up onto the small front porch and a sound finally penetrated
into my brain and I stopped.  Looking up, I saw a swarm of bees on my front
door... two feet in front of my face.

I think I set the record at that moment for the backwards long jump from a
standing start.  I jumped back at least a good six feet or more.  To get in,
I had to go in through the back door... reaching up through the dog door to
unlock the main door.
I called the police and asked what I should do... getting routed from one
place to another, I finally got in touch with a bee keeper.  (Note: if you
ever end up in a situation like this, call one.  They will often come out,
collect the bees, and simply take the swarm as payment... since they get
another hive of honey bees out of the deal...)

The apiarist (bee keeper) came out to collect the swarm while I watched.  He
said that the swarm was probably traveling through the area, and had chosen
my door because the dark color retained more heat and would help keep them
warm through the night.

He also estimated the size of the swarm at about 20,000 bees.  (I was just
happy that I saw them before they perceived me as a threat.  If worst came
to worst, I would have probably jumped into the pool in the back yard to get
away, then called an ambulance to deal with the stings I would have gotten
in the meantime.)

As a side note:  One of the kids in the neighborhood took a bunch of photos
of the swarm and gave me the duplicates.  *grin*

Iggy McSnurd

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