[HPFGU-OTChatter] Magical Sims

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Tue Oct 28 01:55:22 UTC 2003

> Melody:
> So just spreading the news of a new game out there.  The game itself
> is like an electronic dollhouse.  Oh, and this expansion pack is not
> solely based on HP (you cannot fly on brooms) but it is very similar.
> Combine Charmed, Bewitched, HP, carnaval atmosphere, fantasies like
> Jack and the Bean Stalk, and you get this game.

Iggy here:

I can't remember where I found it (I can try to find the site again) but we
actually have a broom on our Sims game that your Sims CAN fly.  The
description even mentions a reference to practicing Quidditch on it.

As a matter of fact, I attached the file... (Successfully, I hope.)  To
install it, save it to your desktop... then open folders in the following
order:  My Computer, your designated hard drive, Program Files, Maxis, the
Sims, Game Data, and Objects.  Then move the broomstick file into the
Objects file.

In the game itself, it *should* show up under the misc. items category, and
I think will only be visible if you click on the infinity symbol.  Let me
know if anyone has any problems with the file and I'll try to track down the

Iggy McSnurd

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