More ButterBeers...

Steve bboy_mn at
Tue Oct 28 23:29:47 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at, "Steve" <bboy_mn at y...> wrote:
> ...edited...
> So, why not do that with butterscotch. Take apple juice and instead of
> using 'Red Hots' as described above, use your favorite butterscotch or
> butterrum hard candy. Once the juice and the candy have been disolved
> together, I have to beleive you will have a great tasting hot holiday
> drink.
> ...edited....
> Just a few thoughts.
> bboy_mn


Just out of curiousity I gave the butterscotch hard candy and hot
apple juice a try. Although I didn't have a percolator, so I just
heated a cup of apple juice in a pan with a single hard butterscotch

It actually worked pretty good; a pleasant tasting hot buttery cup of
cider. It's probably the most drinkable of all the recipies I've
tried; most were pretty bad.

Notes: It might be worth trying other milder juices; the apple flavor
kind of overwhelmed the butterscotch. Perhaps white grape juice, or
pear juice might work. 

If you insist on having a drink with 'fizz', then you could add a
splash of room temperature ginger ale, cream soda, 7Up/Sprite, or club
soda (or whatever). 

Also, a bit of cinnamon (stick, spice, candy, etc...) might have given
it a little more 'zing'. Maybe that's just a conditioned expectation;
for me, anything apple needs some cinnamon.

In addition, I bought the cheapest hard butterscotch candy the store
had, it might improve the flavor if you used a really premium grade of
rich creamy butterscotch/rum candy. 

I also got the impression while drinking that a hint of caramel would
have worked nicely to give a little more rich creamy sense.

At any rate, it was very drinkable, although I don't know how close it
came to anyone's expectation of what butterbeer should be like.

An alternative depending on what you think Butter Beer should look
like, is a combination of milk, butterscotch, and some fizzy drink as
sugggested above. I've always pictured Butter Beer looking something
like really foamy coffee with cream; a tannish brown creamy look with
thick rich foam. 

Suggestion for this method- blend milk and good quality butterscotch
syrup in a blender, then add 'fizzy' drink to taste. Refrigerate in a
closed container until ready to serve. 

Alternate alternative to the method suggested - blend premium quality
vanilla ice cream with good quality butterscotch syrup then add
'fizzy' drink to taste, store in a closed container. That gives you
everything you need; thick, rich, creamy, butterscotchy, and foamy. Yummy.

Just thought I would pass that along.


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