[HPFGU-OTChatter] I'll See Your Routine And Raise You One Ho-Hum (WAS Re: Where has all the )

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Thu Oct 30 14:49:54 UTC 2003

> Cindy -- who remembers having toddlers and who doesn't know where Iggy
> gets the energy

Energy???  What energy?  It's willpower, desperation, and not having much of
any other choice.  (Of course, there ARE payoffs, as any parent well

Well, being diagnosed as clinically hyperactive helps... But I was out cold
before 10:00 last night and didn't even twitch when my wife apparently
brought our screaming daughter back into our bedroom.  (The little tyke had
apparently startled the cat a the wrong time and got a swipe on the arm for

Today looks to be about the same as yesterday...

Iggy McSnurd

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