[HPFGU-OTChatter] Halloween Mixer (re-send)
Iggy McSnurd
coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Thu Oct 30 21:02:13 UTC 2003
Iggy here:
I apologize if anyone gets this twice. I'm re-sending it because it looks
like YahooMort seems to have AK-ed the first copy, I think...
> * Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
Yes. The spirit of my great-grandfather has been watching over me since the
day he died.
> * What things about you often come as a surprise to others?
That I can actually be very quiet and introspective. Also that I firmly
believe that most of the faiths out there are not incompatible.
> * Provide the etymology of your signature/handle/email address. In
> other words, how and why did you choose the name you use on the
> HPfGU lists.
Ignatious Palandraius McSnurd, Joviality Integration Specialist
(aka: Iggy McSnurd, the Jester)
This was the name of a character I created for two different RPGs to have
fun with. He was actually a much more effective character than everyone but
me thought he would be. He's that aspect of me representing the wisdom that
comes with having a sense of humor about the world. Much like what Coyote
has taught me. (Which, incidentally, is why CoyotesChild is my e-mail
address name. Coyote is my Spirit Guide.)
> * Whose signature/handle/email address on the HPfGU boards {a} would
> you like to steal or {b} intrigues you?
I don't really see one out there that I'm envious of.
> * Describe your ultimate Halloween costume.
A well made black suit and vest combo with a deep scarlet tie. Black hair
and goatee stylishly trimmed, and blood red contacts for my eyes with small
horns on my gorehead. Add to this a "Book of Contracts" and a black and red
marbled fountain pen with crimson ink.
I've worn it three years in a row. (This was back in California. I went as
"Lucifer Mephistopheles El Diablo... Louis to my friends." I did this three
different years and had a book of contracts to buy souls. Of course, there
was a disclaimer at the bottom stating that the contracts were in no way
real... *chuckle*) There's not a chance in... ummm... well... that I'll be
wearing it down here in Alabama.
The only thing I'd want to add is a pair of mechanical and articulated,
black, bat-like wings sprouting from the back.
> * If you lived in the Potterverse, who would you be, and what would
> you do for a living?
Who says I don't? *grin*
(My "Iggy" personality is a professional jester/comedian much like Robin
Williams in style in the Wizarding World.)
If it was me personally, however, I'd be wither Tom and tend bar at the
Leaky Cauldron, Florean Fortescue and have an Ice Cream Shop, or I'd own
Flourish and Blotts. *grin*
> * What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?
To be honest, I don't know. Most of what I'd want, I don't think I'd be
able to see. (Like being able to hear in my right ear. I've been
completely deaf in my right ear for as long as I can remember... Or not
having the disabilities I have.. but none of them are physically visible...)
> * What shape would a boggart take, if you chance upon one?
A Dementor, without a doubt. Having Panic Attack Disorder, the thing I fear
most is fear itself...
> * What happy memory will you rely upon, if you are to conjure up a
> Patronus?
There are a few that would work...
My wedding day, and my wife saying "I do."
It was scary in its own way, but also in hearing that I was going to be a
Seeing my daughter be born.
The joy I feel in my heart each time my daughter smiles at me and squeals
"Daddy!" as she lunges to give me a hug.
> * What form might your Patronus take?
One of four things... Coyote, Wolf, Raven, or Owl (Probably in that order)
> * What might your animagus form be?
(See previous question.)
> * What basically harmless things scared you as a child (for example,
> a certain toy or household item)? [Question originally posted by
> Tracy]
I've answered this one... and added to the answer a few times. *grin*
> * What's your scariest moment from a film or television show? Or,
> tell us which horror movie is your all-time favourite, and why.
> ["Scariest" question originally posted by June]
(see previous question. *grin*)
> * Ever wonder into which Hogwarts House the Sorting Hat would put
> you? If you're not sure, here are a couple of sites where you can
> get sorted:
> 7 Dragons' Sorting Hat:
This site put me in Hufflepuff. (They need to increase their text size
though, some of the questions and such were kinda hard to read.)
> Professor MacFusty's Sorting Hat:
This one put me in Slytherin for some odd reason.
> * Is your interest in Harry Potter just good, harmless fun . . . or
> are you bordering on obsessive? Find out here:
> The Harry Potter Obsession Test:
I am apparently 34% Obsessed
*Full time Potter fan. You're obsessed.
> * Speaking of your interest in Harry Potter, you can share all the
> details by posting your own Harry Potter Geek Code. If you haven't
> created one, this site will walk you through it:
> Harry Potter Geek Test:
Ok... here we go. I will attempt to assemble my own code in this reply as
we speak...
A33 e y++++ y* A30 R1 Hpa S Mo + HaP++
HG+ RW+ FGW++ GW++ PW- NL+++ DM+
CC- VK+ PP- AD++ MM++ RH++ SS++
GL+ NhN+ CF- LV+ TheD+ SB+ O+ m
FA- F+c sfDF
> * Passionate about HPfGU's myriad of theories? Pick up some acronyms
> to decorate your signature with at
> Inish Alley:
Ok... Using Inish Alley, I have these that I support to a greater or lesser
Ok... at about this point, my brain has given out on me...
> * Finally, just how well do you know the canon? Take the quiz here
> and let us know if you are savvy or sorry:
> Scholastic's Harry Potter Wizard Challenge:
It doesn't say... All I know is that I scored 22, and am #4 on the high
scores list. *grin*
I think that covers it for now...
Iggy McSnurd
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