[HPFGU-OTChatter] Anyone Up For A Good Old-Fashioned *Mixer?*

Przemyslaw Plaskowicki przepla at ipartner.com.pl
Tue Sep 16 21:47:06 UTC 2003

On 2003-09-15 21:30, Cindy C. wrote:

Przemysaw Paskowicki

>Also known as:
Pshemekan, Plex, Przepla


>Birthplace/Livingplace and feelings about same:
Born and living in Szczecin, Poland, which is quite pretty city with lot 
of green areas and Paris-like system of squares and roads, not to 
mention one of the biggest cementaries in Europe.

>Family Life:
Complicated. Still single. Perhaps a cases of mild 
http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love-shyness and 

Even more complicated. Introvert, ISTJ according to Keirsey: 

>Words friends have used to describe you:
No idea. I'm still amazed that I actually have friends.

>Words you have used to describe you:

>Things you do when not staring at the computer:
Sleeping. I the matter of fact previously I was reading newspapers, 
watching movies, listen to music, but since technology permits now all 
those thing being done on computer, I spent almost all my time at 
computer. Sometimes (read: once a month)  I make some one day trip to 
nearby forests with my friends.

>Comfort foods:
Almost anything edible, not necessary sweet.

MSc (engineering) in Technical Physics, BSc in Physics (teacher's 
specialty), MA in Law (almost -- my thesis is in Release Candidate 1 stage)
Works as a System Administrator/QA tester

>Language skills:
Polish, English

>Technical know-how:
Computers: Excellent -- I solve others computer problem for a living
Non-computer related: Not so bad -- after all I am an engineer.

>Favourite HP book:
Order of the Phoenix -- mainly because of no major plot, like in 
previous books.

>Favourite HP character(s):
Hermione -- an embodiment of woman of my life.

>Favourite HP line
"When in doubt, go to the library" -- now should be "When in doubt, use 
Google" but still...

>Watching/Avoiding the HP movies?:
I am neutral about them.

>Into HP fanfiction?
Read - yes, write - no.

>Books you'd recommend to just about anyone:
Good Encyclopaedia, really ;-)

>Favorite TV shows:
Friends, That 70s Show.

>Favorite Movies:
Singin' in the Rain, Sound of Music, Space Oddysey 2001.

>Favorite Musical Artists:
None. I listen to classical music, but no favourities there.

>One thing about your life you'd change if you could (sorry, but you
>may not say "lose weight"):
Gain weight? There is something but it is very private. Let's just say, 
I'm suffering for a serious case of being very sorry, that I didn't do 
something when I really should done it.

>One thing about your life you wouldn't change even for an advance
>copy of Book 7:
It depends of what kind of change it would be.

>Philosophy for an easy life:
Small pleasures.

>How you found HPfGU:

>Active at other HP sites:


>Your most rock solid Book 6 or Book 7 prediction:
A Ron/Hermione & Ginny/Harry kisses. Lots of them.

>Take a moment to wave to members of the fandom you have personally met:
Erm. I'm the only person I personally met who is in HP fandom.

Q: Why people are behaving so illogically?
A: Because, they are unfortunately humans, Mr Spock.


Crime does not pay ... as well as politics. (Alfred E. Newman)

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