Ideas for Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezies?
Amy Z
lupinesque at
Mon Aug 30 16:07:43 UTC 2004
Kizor wrote:
> I know it'd be both good form and good for the topic if I provided
> some initial examples, but I'm afraid that I'm rather tired right
> and consequently my imagination is stuck in loose cannon mode. If I
> tried to come up with something the result would be about as sane
> candy that makes the eater change gender for a few seconds.
Well, that one sounds cool, except why only for a few seconds? I
guess we already have Polyjuice. JKR hasn't demonstrated anyone
changing genders with it, but you would think if you could lose an
eye and acquire completely different physical characteristics for an
hour, you could change genitals too.
But back to Wheezes. Let's see . . . between Roald Dahl and JKR
there have already been so many great ideas . . . I like the one
that makes you spit in 6 different colors, even though that actually
doesn't require magic from either Willy Wonka or Weasleys' Wizarding
Wheezes. If you're content to take your colors sequentially, a
plain old Muggle gobstopper will do it.
I would like candies that:
-allow one to throw one's voice.
-disappear as soon as the person tries to bite into them. A box of
those, beautifully wrapped and looking luscious, would be a great
screw-you gift to someone who's just broken up with you.
-are invisible (for eating in class, etc.).
-taste just like Godiva chocolates but have no calories. No
Nutrasweet, please.
-combine chocolate, crisped rice and caramel. Yeah, sure, Muggles
could make those, but AFAIK no Muggle company has yet. Please let
me know if I'm wrong.
My all-time favorite WWW is the Skiving Snackbox. It proves that
Fred & George aren't in business just for a laugh or for a Galleon,
but to serve human needs.
Amy Z
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