Adult readers who are dismissive about Harry Potter

junediamanti june.diamanti at
Wed Jan 7 13:19:30 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at, "Kathryn Cawte" <kcawte at n...> 
> >
> > I would recommend David Copperfield to the Dickens newby: despite 
> > length, it reads very quickly and contains a number of his 
> > characters (Mr. Micawber and Uriah Heep, to name only two).
> >
> >    - CMC
> >
> >
> Is that the one that made it into the BBC Big Read thing? Anyone? 
There was
> only one work from each author allowed (although apparently the 
entire Dark
> Materials thing counts as one book - haven't read them so I'm not 
so sure
> about that) and I *think* that was the one - which would suggest 
> whoever their Dickens enthusiast was he agrees with you. Although 
> Potter enthusiast would actually have put me off I think, so it 
could mean
> that it's absolutely the worst Dickens book to start with :) I 
don't know
> what it is about Dickens but while I have read and enjoyed several 
of them I
> always prefer the TV adaptations - there's something about Dickens 
> lends itself to drama. The BBC version of Copperfield a couple of 
years ago
> was absolutely excellent.
> K

And not only excellent but marked the acting debut of one Daniel 
Radcliffe  in the role of the young David Copperfield.  


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