No responses on the main list (Was: Wizarding Education )
dumbledore11214 at
Wed Jul 28 02:09:08 UTC 2004
> Sandra wrote:
> <This thread made me feel kind of sad really, because I already felt
> ashamed that I am a newbie even before reading this.>
> No one, should ever feel ashamed to be a newbie to HPfGU (or
anywhere really), ever.
> Newbies are what strengthen this group and keep it growing and
Exactly, Saitana. Sandra, welcome, welcome, welcome. :o)
> <Hence I agree that a list for newbies would be very good, >
> I would have to disagree with this idea. I've been a newbie, I am
an oldbie (of about
> three years). I've seen both sides. And I can only think, that
three years ago, if
> this idea had been in action...I wouldn't have joined, and I'm sure
a great many
> other's wouldn't have either.
> It's all well and good to have a moderated status, we have a long
list of rules and
> strict requirements. I can understand that. I cannot understand
telling a newbie,
> "You're not good enough to post with us. We are so far better then
you that we don't
> have time to deal with your pitiful theories and posts." Which IS
what people will
> perceive, even if you aren't saying that in so many words.
Saitana, Amen to that too. I don't know if I can consider myself an
oldbie yet. Am I even actively posting for a year or not yet. I am
not so sure, BUT I lurked for more than a year, before I felt secure
enough to start posting and for a few months I was posting maybe once
a month.
If Newbies were segregated to separate list, I don't know if I would
have stayed. Besides discussing HP, I am here to learn creative
writing from many wonderful oldbies writers. If I could not talk to
them, even if I cannot write as well as they are, I don't know...
Part of the joy and fun is sharing your ideas with people who have
> been there. Yeah not all our theories are original, that's part of
the fun, seeing
> who else thinks Snape is a vampire or Dumbledore is Ever So Evil.
Yep, or seeing who else thinks that Snape is an abuser of the little
children. :o)
> I sincerely hope I'm not the only oldbie who thinks and feels this
way, but it's how I
> see things.
No, you are not. I am with you all the way.
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