[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: personality lab sorting hat
silverthorne.dragon at verizon.net
Wed Jun 2 11:00:12 UTC 2004
Tuesday, June 1, 2004, 1:11:23 PM, astratrf at aol.com wrote:
> Saitana, and anyone else who'd like to try the fabulous sorting hat,
> it can be found at
> http://www.personalitylab.org/tests/ccq_hogwarts.htm
Well, here's a first--I actaully got put into Hufflepuff! Hard to believe with as standoffish as I can be sometimes....
Final results:
Gryffindor: 74
Ravenclaw: 81
Hufflepuff: 84
Slytherin: 18
It's an interesting test--although there is one problem. Most of the questions are based on what you yourself think of the situation and yourself. Although it usually is a good indication, the problem is that if someone is not honest with themselves about themselves, they'll get a bit of a different answer than if they knew themselves well (Or were being honest).
Also, it *is* a bit difficult to be placed as Slytherin for the very simple reason that the only traits the testers are going by for indicators is ambition and thirst for power (and it's pretty dmaned obvious how you would have to answer to get to that result).
Although JKR may want it that way in the books, I still disagree...but that's just my trip on the whole thing anyway--although I agree with the concept of Good and Evil, I also look at the world from a persepctive of Balance--and that means there is necassary Shadow that must go with the Light...but that's a different conversation altogther, I think....so I'll drop it now, especially since I'll have to explain that statement and how it's not the same as allowing evil... ^^;
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