The Flash verision of JKR's site! Screen Adjust
bookraptor11 at
Mon May 17 05:00:32 UTC 2004
I wrote:
> > ...edited...
> >
> > Anyway, once I get on to the site I can't move around. My screen
> > only 15" and I'm missing the bottoms and sides of things,where
> > assuming the return to the desk is located, and the site doesn't
> > accept my back button.
> >
> > Donna
> bboy_mn:
> Donna, I'm assuming you are talking about the second window that
> up. That second screen does not open 'maximized'. In the top right
> corner of the window are three symobles. 'underline', 'square', and
> 'X', click on the 'square' to force the window to fit your screen
> see if that helps. Alternately, in the top left corner of your
> is a small graphic symbol (a lower case blue 'e' for Internet
> Explorer), click on it and a menu will drop down, then select
> 'Maximize' from that menu.
> Hope this helps.
> bboy_mn
Thanks for the help Steve. I finally solved the problem, your post
helped me remember something that happened a few years ago on another
site. I'm writing it down here in case it helps someone.
The first time I went on the site, I could tell I couldn't see
everything and immediately clicked "maximize." For some reason, on
JKR's site (as on that other site), maximizing doesn't increase the
view. Going back to the minimized screen after maximizing results in
not being able to see everything no matter how much you move the bars
up/down or back/forth. However, if I go into the site and stay with
the smaller screen I *can* see everything by moving the bars.
I've been playing in the site and having a great time, though my bug
catching skills are non-existant!
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