[HPFGU-OTChatter] Question RE: new info from jkr.com

Dina Lerret redina at silverbloom.net
Mon Nov 1 05:50:53 UTC 2004

Rebecca K Hubbard said:

> D'ya suppose it's a new spell?

Possibly since it's heavily based in Latin.

> in "Spinners End" (a place, I'll bet mnoney on it!!)

I'll pool money there because I'm going to do the 'punctuation
argument'... There's no possessive apostrophe.

> and "Draco's
> Detour."

Again, going with 'instructional/directional' chapter titles.

> Oooh, I'm all a-quiver, won't be long now, chapter titles are
> usually the last things written, aren't they?

Dunno there.

What I do know is I still have a bowl of chocolate! :-D {eyeing a small
pile of empty chocolate wrappers next to her computer's mouse}  Not as
many kids this time around.


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