Horcrux etymology / RAB etymology / the letter H

jlnbtr jlnbtr at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 6 21:08:11 UTC 2005

Juli wrote in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPFGU-OTChatter/message/28554 :
neither in Spanish (the H sound is more like a J) >>

Catlady wrote:
In Mexican Spanish, there are lots of J's and most of them are
pronounced like H. (Some of them were X in transliterations of Nahuatl
which was pronounced like the un-English gutteral represented by CH.)
Some seem to be silent (e.g. Joaquin). I think Mt. San Jacinto is
pronounced Yacinto but I don't know if that's Spanish.
There was no letter J in Latin. No letter U either. Jupiter was
spelled IVPITER.

The J in spanish sounds like an H (as in horse). Mexico is translayed 
into Mejico, and St Jacinto is is Hacinto (sort of)


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