Tink Tink Tink

kemper mentor kempermentor at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 26 03:34:04 UTC 2005

Toasting to everyone with some microbrew from the Deschutes Brewry: Mirror Pond pale ale... delicious.
* Name(s).
--Kemp: Once upon a time it meant 'champion', 'warrior', 'knight', then the meaning changed to 'rogue'.

* Provide the etymology of your signature/handle/moniker/email 
address. In other words, how and why did you choose the name 
you use on the HPfGU lists.
--How could you not pick a name that was so cool?

* Whose signature/handle/moniker/email address at HPfGU 
(a)  do you wish you had come up with first?
(b)  intrigues you?

* If you lived in the Potterverse, who would you be, and what 
would you do for a living?
--I would be a Healer on the front lines... I think Snape is a Healer.  That's right, Alla-Nora-Phoenixgod-Sherry, I said it ;D

* What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?
Happy, naughty stuff

* What shape would a boggart take, if you chance upon one?
--A great white shark, but only if I chanced upon the boggart in the ocean.  Otherwise, a four-year-old chasing me while playing with the world's largest baloon blown-up a breath away from popping. 

* What happy memory will you rely upon, if you are to conjure 
up a Patronus?
--Walking my sissy-poo to the video store through high-desert and backroads while holding her hand just so we could rent The Little Mermaid.

* What form might your Patronus take?
--a sphinx

* What might your animagus form be?

* What gifts would you register for in Diagon Alley?  Or would 
it be Knockturn Alley?  How about at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?
--Everything from the Apothecary, an owl from Eeylops (spotted to represent the Northwest(US)), a gift certificate for Olivander's so my wand can pick me, a Firebolt from QQS, everything from WWW except the wands that change into _____ , and robes of summer and autumnal colors... and a cool hat! 

* Times being what they are...what is your favorite flavor of 
--Marion Berry (not the crack-head mayor from DC... that would be gross)
What is your dearest ambition?
--To get paid a lot for what I enjoy doing.

* Which of the HP books is your favorite?
--HBP all the way, but I remember from where I came...

* Who is your favorite character?
Mrs. Figg, Snape, Neville, Luna, Kreacher, Ron

* What do you hope will happen in Book 7?
--Learning wtf is up with Harry/Lily's eyes.  Seeing Snape and Harry forced to Journey together... much like DD and Harry did in the Cave.

* What do you think will happen in Book 7?
--There will be redemption and forgiveness mingled with loss and love.

* Given all the books whose titles are canon (see 
http://www.hp-lexicon.org/wizworld/books.html ) which would you 
read cover to cover *first*?
--The Half-Blood Prince's copy of Advanced Potion-Making.

* What's in your Scrapbook for JKRowling.com ?
( http://www.hp-lexicon.org/about/sources/jkr.com/jkr-com-scrapbook.html )
--6/7 items

* What's your personal best for Expert Level Minesweeper?
-- 98

* When did you join HPfGU?  How did you find us?
--Don't remember... shortly after OP.

* Point us to your delurking post...how was that maiden voyage?
--I din't know how to save my posts then.  I didn't have a 'introduction' post, it would have been about Squibs.

* Point us to your favorite posts, your own or otherwise.
--My favorite posters would be easier.  In no order: pheonixgod, lupinlore, neri and nora (I use to think they were the same), just carol, sssusan, bboyminn, valkie, jen... My least favorite posts are ships

* Point us to, in hindsight, what you now wish you'd never said 
[ex.: ships sunken by new can(n)on, being flagged by LOONs...]
-- not sure, I don't post much.

* What things about you often come as a surprise to others?
-- My age or my words

* Things you do when not staring at the computer:
--Listen to Air America, read, watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, move youth forward toward their future, go to the Y, drink cheap and sometimes good beer, cuddle, laugh, play cards or chess, drink good coffee, smoke (on occassion) good cigs (yes, there is a difference), practice my spiritual beliefs (mostly), mow, water, weed.

** Got a question of your own?  Ask it here.

More HP fun (share your results please!):

--I've been sorted into Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, but not at the same site.

* Finally, just how well do you know the canon? Take the quizzes, 
play the puzzles and games.  So, are you savvy or sorry?

Scholastic's Harry Potter Wizard Challenge:

-- 48!!! It would have been higher, too, if not for the stupid 'last word in book one' question.

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