delwynmarch at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 26 05:56:27 UTC 2005
Five years? I'm a bit surprised, because AFAIK, the list is older than
5 years. I checked the Archives, and the very first message is dated
9/17/99. So what exactly are we celebrating? Not that I mind
celebrating ;-)
Well, anyway, here's to five more years! And a chilled pumpkin juice,
with a good dose of ground cinnamon, for me, please!
About me:
My real name is Doriane, but I'm Delwyn March on the Net. That comes
from the novel version of Star Trek II: the Wrath of Khan. Del is a
young genius physicist with huge psychological issues and one amazing
friendship, and who ends up dying a heroic death. He's a guy, but I
very strongly identified with him when I read the book, at age 18: I
had psychological problems, I wanted to be a scientist, and I dreamed
of the "perfect friend".
Some of the handles I wonder about are: Phoenixgod, Eggplant, Alla's
DD handle (you didn't explain what the numbers mean :-), and probably
some others that I can't remember right now.
If I lived in the Potterverse, I'd love to be a reseacher in the DoM,
especially in the Love Room.
In the Mirror of Erised, I would see a world full of peace and love
(more precisely, for the millenarist Christians among us, I would see
the world during the Millenium). Either that, or what happens to
people when they die.
My boggart would be something like a dark cupboard full of spiders and
flying bugs.
To conjure a Patronus, I would remember the day my boyfriend asked me
to marry him. But not our wedding day, I was way too nervous :-)
My Patronus might be a moose, my husband, or Jesus.
I wish my Animagus form would be a possum, a big cat, or something
that flies, but not a bug :-) And not a hippo or an elephant or
anything heavy and slow like that, I get enough of that in RL :-D But
I guess that if it reflects my personality, then it would be a cow, or
a sheep, some kind of calm domestic animal.
In Diagon Alley, I would ask for a wand, an Invisibility Cloak, a
Shield Hat, books on practical charms and Transfiguration, other books
on the philosophical and religious aspects of magic, and *lots* of
candies, especially chocolate and toffees :-)
My favourite jam flavour is raspberry, but I'm not into jam very much.
I prefer Nutella :-) Or non-fruity jams, like rose petal jam, violet
jam, or milk jam.
My dearest ambition is to do God's will.
And my biggest dream is to become a published writer (I did say
*dream* :-).
My favourite HP book... Probably PoA, because of Sirius and Remus. OoP
definitely is my least favorite one.
My favourite character is Hermione, though I sometimes feel like
slapping her :-) And I like Ron too. I used to *love* Sirius, after
PoA, but that changed with GoF and OoP. I like Tonks, too, especially
since she had the good taste of falling in love with Remus ;-)
In Book 7, I hope that Harry will learn more about the power of Love,
that he will reject any desire to kill LV with violence, that Tom
Riddle will discover Love, that the Trio will survive and live happy
lives, and also Tonks and Lupin.
As for what I think will happen, I don't have any fixed idea, except
that Harry will vanquish LV, most probably not through any violent
means, and Ron and Hermione will survive.
The book I would read cover to cover first is "Hairy Snout, Human
Heart" - I'm a sucker for true life tearjerkers, and I love learning
about other people's difficulties, it helps me develop compassion and
keep my own problems in their place.
I think I've got everything in the Scrapbook - but I readily admit
that I cheated, and looked for the solutions on the Net.
It's been too long since I stopped playing Minesweeper, so I can't
remember my personal best, but I wasn't so bad, even at Expert Level.
I just bothered me way too much to have to *guess* too often.
I had to look up my first message in the Archives (number 4676) to
figure out exactly when I joined :-) Apparently it was on July 7,
2000, though I had been lurking without joining for several weeks
already. My first post was about getting help obtaining GoF :-) I was
so desperately *sick* of everyone talking about Death Eaters and
Crouch!Moody, I just couldn't wait for the few libraries in Paris that
sold the British editions of HP to order the books and get them. And I
was very new to the Net, so I didn't know about Amazon and things like
that (**blushes**). Anyway, thanks again Neil!
I found the list by doing a research on Harry Potter in the
Yahoo!Clubs, IIRC. A few months after I joined, I abandoned the list
for quite some time because much more interesting things were
happening (I was e-dating my future husband, and marrying him, and
then having our first kid :-), and I came back much later, though I
still have times when I take a time-out, to rid my head of the "HPFGU
bias" and rediscover the Potterverse through my own eyes only.
I don't have a favourite post, simply because there are *too many*
awesomely great posts!
The only things I wish I'd never said are the things that hurt people.
Other than that, I don't mind being proven wrong, like for example,
when I defended the position that the Marauders were all in Slytherin :-)
I've been around since *July* 2000, and even a bit before that :-),
and I can't remember what the hot topics were for me at the time,
apart from the Marauders.
What often surprises people is that I am not as stupid as I look.
Really. I look like a cross between a fat Millicent Bulstrode (for the
physique) and Luna Lovegood (for the weird personality). Not
Ravenclaw-ish at all.
When I'm not staring at the computer, I'm taking care of my kid and my
house, or watching TV, reading anything I can understand, getting into
yet another craft project, imagining my own stories, sleeping...
I regularly get Sorted into either Ravenclaw (that's my studious side)
or Hufflepuff (that's my idealistic side, I'm an INFP), though I
sometimes get Sorted into Gryffindor (I don't mind, though I don't
think I would fit, because I don't particularly value courage and
chivalry) or Slytherin (I *definitely* wouldn't fit, lol, because I
don't value ambition for myself).
I just took the test again, I'm 32% obsessive about HP. It would have
been much higher a few years ago :-)
And one thing I loved about the HP phenomenon was watching it taking
hold in France, when I had been addicted to it for so long already :-)
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