[HPFGU-OTChatter] Fwd: Florida - sad but true humour
moonmyyst13 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 29 15:24:22 UTC 2005
Dina Lerret <bunniqula at gmail.com> wrote:
Ick, no ice storms here but we were expected to drive to work during
tropical storm winds and rain.
My favorite was my team leader telling everyone that they had better be in the weekend of our ice storm and since she is from New York, she is an expert in driving in that weather. (People come down here from the north and laugh at us not driving in winter weather) Guess who was the only one who wrecked on their way in!!!! Needless to say, we did not let her live it down. We either have hurricane-left-overs or ice storms (not even the fun snow - just ice) and mud, mud, lovely red mud....
Summerland Hills Shelties
home of their royal highnesses:
Southcrest Faerie Song "Belle", (bi-black), AKC
Southcrest Sugar Quill "Honey", (sable/white), AKC
Chocolate Sundae Hugs "Hugs", (sable/white), AKC, CGC, IHDA Herding level 1, RA
Little Valentine Kisses "Kisses", (sable/white), AKC, CGC
Summerland's Blueberry Muffin "Blue", (tri-blue merle), AKC, IHDA Herding level 1
Cerridwyn Summerland Reveille "Revie", (sable/white), AKC
and in memory of:
Southcrest Phantom Spirit "Ghostie", (bi-black), AKC, 9 time conformation class 1st.
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