Audio book links

Mhochberg at Mhochberg at
Fri Jul 1 18:15:18 UTC 2005

"Mich Verrier" _mich at ntl.sympatico.ca_ (mailto:mich at   

>> hi all I am wondering if the CD's have a different thing  on each CD 
then what does the Tape formats of the books have on them?  anything? I am 
also asking because I am blind so there for can't see for my  self. I like 
Jim Dale's voice  Also did you know that you can  fit  more on to a tape then 
you can a CD? <<
Hi, Mitch!
I don't know about the tape formats but I will look when I am at the store  
next week. In preparation, the local Barnes and Noble store has a huge HP  
display, including the audio books. That is a good question. In general, the  
artwork on the Jim Dale CDs are identical to the books. 
Ordinary audio tapes run 60 or 90 minutes. CDs hold 70-80 minutes. Both  
formats have their drawbacks. I still have a lot of tape players throughout the  
house. Some have a "line in" option so I added cords to them and plug in a  
portable CD player as needed. The tape player in my bedroom has become quite  
noisy, with the sound of the tape turning becoming quite noticeable. 
I've heard part of the BBC's audio play of Lord of the Rings but wasn't  that 
impressed. It may have been my mood, though. When you are expecting one  
thing and get another, you can get cranky. <g> I do like the audio books  of the 
Hobbit and LOTR, though. Our library has a good selection of audio books  but 
they are missing some of the LOTR books. I hope they can fill in the gap  soon. 

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