Appreciation and feedback from London

eileennicholson at eileennicholson at
Mon Jul 11 20:21:16 UTC 2005

I'd just like to say how we Londoners appreciate the thoughtful messages  you 
have posted over the past few days, as the dust settles after last week's  
attacks. Thank you for the reassurance that we all stand together.
I usually work in the City, just round the corner from where they  located 
the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron in the PS film. People working in  this area 
lost friends and colleagues in the 9/11 attacks and the tension, which  had 
relaxed for a while, is now back in full force. 
I was lucky to be working in one of the European offices, and knew more  
about events as they unfolded from internet sites than many  of the London-based 
teams. The mobile phone networks were jammed, and only text  messages seemed to 
be getting through. 
Families and friends have been catching up with eachother over the weekend,  
reassuring eachother that everyone's OK. 
Looking round the office, one colleague lives a few hundred yards  away, 
right opposite one of the target tube stations. Another, an HP  fan, was in a 
train that blew up near another tube station,  though fortunately not in the 
carriage containing the explosives, and left the  scene uninjured, suffering from 
shock and covered in soot and dust.  She bravely made her way back into the 
London office today and reports  that she was relaxed enough by Sunday to pick up 
an HP book  again.
Next week's publication date is starting to look like great timing - we can  
put muggle wars aside for a while; immersed in the wizarding  war....   

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