FGU LIST traffic
nkafkafi at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 10 19:03:43 UTC 2006
> Debbie:
> You're welcome! Things have changed since then. At least I've
> to spell my name properly. ;-)
> Debbie
Oops, my apologies Debbie. My poor English still surfaces
occasionally. I guess in the back of may brain it was it somehow
connected like: house elf-> Dobby ->Debby. Or is it actually spelled
Dobbie? Now I have to go and check it in the books
> SSSusan:
> Hey now, Neri! Maybe it just means that you are a model poster!
> And I know for a *fact* you have indeed received some elfy
> communication, just not in the category of Howler/Owler/You Need to
> Fix This. ;-)
> And how 'bout all those times I've written you as plain old
> to compliment you on a post? Doesn't that count, sort of?? :)
Sure SSSusan, it counts for you, and many thanks for the compliments.
But it doesn't count for the elves. C'mon, I know I'm doing things
wrong sometimes. I can be mean to other posters, I don't always snip
and I'm positive I once sent four posts a day during the period of
the three posts limit. So why don't I get any howlers? I suspect you
are too polite there in Hexquarters ;-)
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