[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: What's wrong with "Merry Christmas"?

Lee Storm(God Is The Healing Force) n2fgc at arrl.net
Sat Dec 22 06:43:23 UTC 2007

|I'm Wiccan also, but I don't know anybody else that is, so I 
|just go with "Happy Christmas and a Blessed Yule". It throws 
|people off, but the Christmas is in there so they don't really notice!
|  Alex Hogan

Well, I have no problem with Yule, as that term also is used by Christians
to refer to Christmas, as in , "Make the Yuletide Gay," and other such

So, have a Cool Yule, Happy Christmas, Sensational Solstice, and everything


Lee :-)

Do not walk behind me,    | Lee Storm
I may not care to lead;   | N2FGC
Do not walk before me,    | n2fgc at arrl.net (or)
I may not care to follow; | n2fgc at optonline.net
Walk beside me, and be my friend.

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