[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: What's wrong with "Merry Christmas"?
Lee Kaiwen
leekaiwen at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 23 01:38:27 UTC 2007
> ( and please, holy-days? The root of the word does not mean that
> it still has the same meaning as it was originally
Yes, Holy Days. The people who seem to want to get all bent out of shape
over "Christmas" because of it's religious roots seem to overlook the
religious roots of "holiday". One might also argue that Christmas, now
being largely a secular holiday, no longer bears its original meaning,
> And why would you wish me Merry Christmas if you
> know what I want to hear?
Umm, to wish you joy and happiness? Now if you don't WANT to be joyful
and happy on Christimas, well...
Alla (NOT ALLA):
> I personally don't understand why anyone would want ...
Lee Kaiwen:
> When did wishing someone a "Merry Christmas" ...
> I did not say the words that you attributed to me above, somebody
> else did.
Oops, you're right. I was trying to combine several posts and got my
attributions all skitter-widdle. My apologies both to you and the words'
true owner, susanmcgee48176.
> when this person is my **CLOSE** friend, I find it a bit disrespectful
> and sort of lazy if she does not remember what holiday is my favorite
How about if this close friend wishes you joy and happiness on BOTH
Christmas and your favorite holiday?
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